Where Does the Time Go? Welcome Spring

68764551-LI am amazed to think that time passes by so quickly. The real indicator of that is not gray hair, my daughter entering a different grade in school or really anything else of tangible meaning. The indicator for time passing is really the date of my last posting on the blog. Facebook sees more updates these days, but I worry that the site is becoming stale.

So what is going on?

What is going on in the world?  Interest in living aboard continues to be strong.  I can tell from the book sales, daily emails and trips around the marinas. Interestingly, interest in life aboard increases in times of desperation, uncertainty or change and while this remains a volatile political environment, it seems as if daily uncertainty and desperation are down a bit these days. The economy has been rather stable, with modest fuel prices, and as a result job loss and marriage dissolution are down. That bodes well for stability but while interest in life aboard is strong overall, it means that this is less strong than in other times, and actual movement aboard is more postponed.

One nice thing is that I do often receive the success stories – with photos of the boats and lifestyles that my readers achieve when they do move aboard.  Sometimes I know that I had some meaningful involvement in their choice and preparation and that makes me feel very good.  Thank you and keep sending that stuff over.

Springtime Coming

Time passing does mean that winter turns to summer. It’s time to do this all over again (except for folks in warmer climates that keep their vessels wet all year round). Prep well so that you’ll be safe.  This is like a re-birth and we get to experience this in our own way – almost as if we’re a part of nature.

I understand that this is a casual and not all-that-informative post. Mostly it is meant as a thank you – for visiting, reading and sharing. I’ll try to post more but in the meantime do try to answer emails very quickly.

Fair winds,
